mandag 14. desember 2009


Fant nettopp ut at de kabinansatte til British Airways går ut i streik DEN DAGEN jeg skal reise hjem. Ikke nok med at jeg i utgangspunktet ikke lander før klokken åtte på kvelden lille julaften, men så kom dette i tillegg! Sjekket prisene for billett til Oslo (uten retur) og de ligger på mellom 11-18000 kroner. Skjer ikke. Håper alt ordner seg!

"It is not yet clear how serious the disruption will be or which flights will be cancelled, or what compensation will be available to affected travellers.
Simon Calder, travel editor of the Independent said that those affected might find it difficult to arrange alternative travel plans. "This is going to cost one million people their Christmas trips," he said. "The travelling public are going to be absolutely appalled that so close to Christmas they have been left with no other options. "There are no seats available on most other airlines, if you do find alternative seats it is going to cost you a fortune," he told BBC News.

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